SPODHA is mainly applied to people who practice sports, but its evolution has allowed us to research and develop in the health and related sectors, since these areas require innovation with technologies that open new paths in the offer of services that complement the current ones. From there is the starting point for initiatives that we have taken at HUMAN ANALYTICS to create other services such as
- AYUDHA, a rehabilitation platform for Patients after acute myocardial injury.
- PREDICTUS, a platform to achieve stroke prediction.
- PRIGIC Score, which allows the detection of diabetes in patients with coronary heart disease.
These investigations open a very wide and interesting range given its deep relationship with the wellness and quality of life of people, a transcendental objective for our society and for HUMAN ANALYTICS.
Sometimes starting a path opens new views, taking advantage of the SPODHA base to deepen the rehabilitation of Patients after acute myocardial injury has been one of those concerns, in this way, developing responses to situations encountered by combining physical activity and health determined their meeting to develop AYUDHA, Web Platform that facilitates the recovery of people with heart disease and for sure other pathologies.
We are in one of the last steps with AYUDHA, a testing with real patients. It will mean the cardiac rehabilitation of Patients outside the hospital environment, in their usual family environment, with the consequent savings for the Healthcare System and savings of emotional stress for the patient himself, means wellness and quality of recovery.
AYUDHA facilitates the Patient to carry out scheduled exercise and to have digital control of a balanced diet, taking medication and acquiring healthy lifestyle habits in a centralized, agile and efficient way.
Stroke is a neuro-vascular event characterized by the interruption of the blood supply to the brain, being one of the main causes of disability and the second cause of death worldwide (only behind ischemic heart disease). For HUMAN ANALYTICS it is a medium-term objective to use the knowledge accumulated in these years to generate a Platform capable of predicting a stroke, distinguishing its different typologies, this is how the development of our PREDICTUS Platform arises.
The objective: to relate everything obtained and the database created to build an Artificial Intelligence algorithm to screen the generated Database (Big Data), to predict the possibility of suffering a stroke and / or heart disease ischemic in the next few hours. This Database would be composed, among other variables (heart rate, physical activity …), by HRV measurements made in the individual’s usual environment.
The use of data collection technology allows much more objective information to be collected than that obtained directly by individuals; many more parameters can be studied and can revolutionize current control and monitoring systems for follow-ups and treatments. This identifies the importance of the use of sensors of mobile phones, wearables, and other instruments of daily life as key elements to improve personalization of health.
During the last years, the Health sector maintains an important research activity, not only related to scientific improvement, but also important work is being done for the introduction of new technologies that allow improving predictive systems. In this sense, there are several lines of research open for the use of Big-data technologies and predictive models, for example the development of tools for clinical decision-making, with the aim of improving clinical prescription, that seek to reduce potential errors in the prescription phase, as well as the adverse effects of the medication. Thus, the PRIGIC Score, which allows the prediction of diabetes in Patients with coronary heart disease, is a Platform that we have donated to the Sociedad Asturiana de Cardiología (, which can help our society control a disease such as high prevalence diabetes and more with implications for coronary Patients.